姓 名: | 王向周 | 性别: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1965.07 |
职 称: | 教授 | 职务: | 副所长 | 最高学历: | 博士 |
学科方向: | 控制科学与工程 智能感知与运动控制 | ||||
人才计划: | 办公地点: | 6#701 | |||
电子邮件: | wangxiangzhou@bit.edu.cn | 联系方式: | 010-68918220 | ||
通讯地址: | 北京市海淀区北京理工大学北院自动化学院 | ||||
导师类型: | 硕士生导师 |
1983.9-1987.6 中北大学 机械工程一系 学士
1989.9-1992.3 北京理工大学 自动控制系 硕士
1992.9-1996.4 北京理工大学 自动控制系 博士
1987.9-1996.5 中北大学 机械工程一系 助教、讲师
1996.6-1998.6 清华大学 热能工程系 博士后
1998.7-2003.6北京理工大学 自动控制系 副教授
2003.06-至今,北京理工大学 自动化学院教授
2010.09-2011.08 美国麻省理工学院 高级访问学者
1.王向周, 朱璐璐, 郑戍华,等. 一种主从摄像瞳孔实时精确检测系统[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2021, 41(11):7.
4.Li T#, Wang X#, Zheng S*, et al. An Efficient Topology for Wireless Power Transfer over a Wide Range of Loading Conditions [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(1): 141-157.
5.王向周, 郭轶康, 林英姿,等. 一种运动想象脑电信号半监督算法[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2018(1):73-78.
6.Shi S#, Wang X#, Zheng S*, et al. A new diode-clamped multilevel inverter for capacitor voltage balancing[J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, 2016, 52:181-190.
7.王向周, 马希榕, 郑戍华. 二次调节海浪升沉补偿控制技术[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2016, 36(8):838-843.
8.Shi S, Wang X, Zheng S, et al. A new diode-clamped multilevel inverter for capacitor voltage balancing[J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, 2016, 52:181-190.
9.Mingxin Yu, Yingzi Lin, Xiangzhou Wang. An efficient hybrid eye detection method[J]. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2016, 46(1):17-68.
10.Chen Yan, Shuhua Zheng, Xiangzhou Wang. A Brain-Robot Interface by BCI based on Repeated Binary CSP[C]// Chinese Automation Congress. IEEE, 2016:826-830.
11.Sun M, Wang X, Zheng S. Optimized Design and Control of the Cooling System of a Truck[C]// International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2016:131-135.
12.王向周, 陆叶, 郑戍华. Novel method for operating characteristics test of a hydraulic pump[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2015, 24(1):74-82.
13.于明鑫, 王向周, 林英姿,等. 基于可见光源与独立成分分析法的实时人眼检测系统[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2015(6):621-626.
14.Ning S, Zheng S, Wang X. The active disturbance rejection control with feed-forward compensation for hydraulic pump controlled motor speed system[C]// Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing. IEEE, 2014:144-150.
15.Wang X, Wang A, Zheng S, et al. A multiple autocorrelation analysis method for motor imagery EEG feature extraction[C]// Control and Decision Conference. IEEE, 2014:3000-3004.
16.Yu M, Wang X, Lin Y, et al. Gaze tracking system for tele-operation[M]. 2014.
17.Li X, Wang X, Wang Y. Mixed sensitivity H∞ controller design for variable-speed pump-controlled motor system[C]// IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. IEEE, 2014:503-508.
18.Song W, Wang X, Zheng S, et al. Mobile Robot Control by BCI Based on Motor Imagery[C]// Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2014:383-387.
19.Bai X, Wang X, Zheng S, et al. The offline feature extraction of four-class motor imagery EEG based on ICA and Wavelet-CSP[C]// Control Conference. IEEE, 2014:7189-7194.
20.Jiang C, Wang X, Zheng S, et al. On Hardware-In-The-Loop simulation system of diesel generator set[C]// Control Conference. IEEE, 2014:6229-6234.
21.Zhou Y, Wang X, Zheng S. The Active Disturbance Rejection Control with a Load Torque Observer for Secondary Regulation Hydraulic Speed System[C]// 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC). 2014:3061-3066.
22.Zheng S, Wang X, Lu Y, et al. The sliding mode control for speed system of the variable displacement motor at the constant pressure network[C]// Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing. IEEE, 2013:499-503.
23.Zheng S, Wang X, Lu Y, et al. An active-disturbance-rejection controller for speed control of variable-displacement motor at the constant pressure network[C]// Control Conference. IEEE, 2013:4403-4407.
24.Zhou Q, Wang X. Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition System Based-On Geometric Features[J]. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2013, 212:449-456.
1.王向周, 郑戍华, 赵莎莎,等. 一种车辆在线称重方法及系统:, CN110095174A[P]. 2019.
2.王向周, 郑戍华, 赵莎莎,等. 基于车辆动力学模型的车辆运动特性仿真方法及系统:, CN110175428A[P]. 2019.
3.王向周,刘彭,郑戍华.一种大型油气悬挂缸动态性能测试方法及系统, CN108132476A [P]. 2018.
4.郑戍华,鲁东原, 王向周等. 一种工程机械料斗定位系统及方法, CN108132476A [P]. 2018.
5.李守翔、王向周、郑戍华、谢文浩、梁胜男. 一种升压式串并联全谐振开关电容变换器, CN201811566914[P]. 2018.
6.李守翔、王向周、郑戍华、谢文浩、张言溪.一种谐振开关电容变换器, CN201811555254[P]. 2018.
7.张宁宁,王向周,郑戍华 一种悬臂梁类弹性元件的刚度测试系统及方法 CN109163868A [P]. 2018
8.郑戍华;孙明晓;王向周. 一种风扇转速控制方法及系统, CN106837509A[P]. 2017.
9.郑戍华, 王向周, 彭熙伟. 一种液压缸试验系统及测试方法, CN105952713A[P]. 2016.
10.郑戍华, 王向周, 彭熙伟.一种油气弹簧性能试验系统及试验方法,CN105738100A[P]. 2016.
11.彭熙伟, 郑戍华, 王向周. 一种变量液压泵空载启动装置及方法:, CN104533886A[P]. 2015.
12.王向周 ;张义华 ;张东等. 一种容积电加载液压泵试验装置, CN103410719A [P]. 2015.
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